Rachel Leah Cohn



b. 1983, Boston, MA. Currently lives and works in Indianapolis, IN.


2013             Master of Fine Arts, Painting, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

2005             Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI


Professional Experience

2019-                      Ball State University School of Art, Assistant Professor of Art and Foundations Coordinator, Muncie, IN    

2014-2019               VCUarts Qatar, Assistant Professor of Art Foundation, Doha, Qatar

2012-2014               Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts, Adjunct instructor, Richmond, VA


Selected Exhibitions/Performances

2025. Bitter Water, The River Campus Art Gallery, SEMO, Cape Girardeau, MO (upcoming Jan)

2024. P-ART-Y Festival, Jam Public, Kristiansand, Norway

Mem, Tube Factory Artspace, Big Car Collective, Indianapolis, IN

2023. Religion Spirituality and Art Retrospective, Arthur M. Glick JCC, Indianapolis, IN

Go More Slowly Over the Earth, Companion Gallery, Indianapolis, IN

Gemstones, UIS Visual Arts Gallery, University of Illinois Springfield

I Will Not Let You Go Until You Bless Me, IUPUI, Harrison Center, Indianapolis, IN 2024           

2022        Water Signs, with ACRE Projects, Drama Club, Chicago, IL (upcoming, December)

                Lumpland, Muncie Makes Space, Muncie, IN

2021        Keep in Touch (K.I.T.): Terrain Biennial 2021, Enos Park, Springfield, IL

Flat Earthers, The Engine Room, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand, curated by Raewyn Martyn and John Lake

                Sapientia Gloria Corona Est, New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary, New Harmony, IN

2020        ART-IN-PLACE, Terrain Exhibitions and CNL Projects, online

                Home Office Cinema, That One Film Festival, Muncie, IN

2019        Terrain Biennial, Enos Park, Springfield, IL

2018        States of Transformation, Qatar Contemporary Art and Photography, Qatar Museums, Manege Central Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg

Made by Qatar, Transitional School, School of Schools, Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul, Qatar

Dual Inspiration, Fire Station Artist-in-Residence, Qatar Museums, Doha, Qatar

2017        Contemporary Art Qatar, Articulating the Particular, Qatar Museums, Kraftwerk, Berlin, Germany, curated by Dr. Bahaa Abudaya and

Aisha Nasser Al Sowaidi.

Searching for a Fata Morgana, Atelierhaus Salzkamt, Linz, Austria

2016        Ghost Ship Float, Stephen and George Laundry Line, Ridgewood, NY

Geo Necro, curated by Ryan Browning and Casey Smith, ADA Gallery, Richmond, VA                           

               Hot Pot Sauna, Aformal Academy, Bi-City Biennale for Architecture and Urbanism, Shenzhen, China

2015        Memory Palace, Halka Art Project, Istanbul, Turkey

WORK II, Visual Arts Center of Richmond, Richmond, VA

2014        Exquisite Corpse, 1708 Gallery, Richmond, VA

               Recuperative Tactics, Art in General, NY, NY

Nonesuch Tales of Ardea Herodias, Anderson Gallery, Richmond, VA

SP Weather Reports (2008-2013), Center for Book Arts, NY, NY

Actualize, curated by Jessica Langley, Ortega y Gasset Projects, Brooklyn, NY                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Residencies and Awards

2024. Arteles Creative Center, Haukijärvi, Finland. May and June

2023. ACRE (Artist’s Cooperative Residency and Exhibitions), WI, July.

 Aspire CREATE Grant, “Art in the Public Sphere,” Ball State University SPA

Wagner Innovation in Teaching Funding, Ball State University

2022       Aspire Grant, “Art in the Public Sphere,” Ball State University SPA

               Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT, June

2021        Te Whare Hera Interationational Artist Residency, Wellington, New Zealand, July (virtual)

               ACRE (Artist’s Cooperative Residency and Exhibitions), Wisconsin, July.

               Discover Grant, “Community Engagement in the Public Sphere,” Discovery Women’s Philanthropic Leadership Group

2019       Summer Residency, Otis College, Los Angeles, CA. June.

               Signal Culture, Owego, NY. May.

2018        Exploratory Grant, “Light and Landscape Textile Design,” VCUarts Qatar

               Faculty Research Grant, “Mirage for Russia,” VCUarts Qatar

               Fire Station Artist-in-Residence Program, Doha Qatar (September 2017-June 2018)

2017        Atelierhaus Salzkamt, Linz, Austria

               Faculty Research Grant, “Searching for a Fata Morgana,”VCUarts Qatar

2016        Exploratory Grant, “Where are you bound for/where are you bound from,” VCUarts in Qatar

2015        Aformal Academy, Bi-City Biennale for Architecture and Urbanism. Shenzhen, China. Dec.- Jan. 2016            

Mildred’s Lane, LAND Fellow, Beach Lake, PA. August 2015.

2014        Halka Art Project.  Istanbul, Turkey. December-January 2015.

Marpha Art Foundation. Marpha, Nepal. November 2014.

2013        InLight Richmond, 1708 Gallery, Richmond, VA, Awarded “Best in Show”

Thesis/Dissertation Assistantship, Virginia Commonwealth University Graduate School


Special Projects/ Bibliography


Flat Earthers: Unpleasant Truths/Comfortable Lies, ed. John Lake and Raewyn Martyn, July

McCracken Merris, Erin. “New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art hosts exhibition, Sapientia Gloria Corona Est.” University of Southern Indiana. 4 May.


Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (Shenzhen) Special Issue: Aformal Academy, Chapter 4: Residing/Water in the City pp 84-88


Zeitgenossische Kunst Katar: Ausstellung im Kraftwerk Berlin, www.zdf.de. 11 Dec.

Brandmayr, Tanja. “Searching for a Fata Morgana.” diereferentin.servus.at. 1 Sept.


“Cupcakes for Joan Jonas.” Love Letters to Artists, Ortega y Gasset Gazette, February 2014.

Salsbury, Brittany. Critic’s Picks New York: “Actualize”. artforum.com. 22 Jan.


Newton, Karen. “Night Light.” Style Weekly. 5 Nov.

Commissioned Portraits, National Council of Art Administrators Conference, VCU, September, Awards commissioned by Richard Roth for Bill and Pam Royall and Richard Toscan

Zalecki, Megan. “Energy and Motion.” richmondartsreview.com. 17 June

SP Weather Station Report 2012, November, Norwegian Værmaskin (Weather Machine), with Frej Meinlid Larsen, Ebbe Dam Meinlid and Laurids Sonne, Queens, New York


Selected Presentations and Workshops

“Fresh Starts,” FATE (Foundations in Art: Theory and Education), Imposter Syndrome: Supporting New Instructors in Art Foundation, Apr 2023

“But Does Anyone Really Know What Time (it) Is?,” FATE, I Want to Design a First-Year Foundations Experience. But...,April 2023

“Some Silly Stories,” CAA (College Art Association), Serious Play: A Project Share and Workshop (FATE), February 2023.

Artist Talk, University of Wisconsin La Crosse, La Crosse, WI. November 2021.

Artist Talk, New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art, with Audrey Barcio and Shauta Marsh. New Harmony, IN. June 2021

“Collaborative Strategies Toward An Updated Curriculum,” FATE (Foundations in Art: Theory and Education), April 2021, Pendulum or Wrecking Ball: Considering Shifts in Curricular Overhaul”

“Updating Foundations during COVID-19,” CAA (College Art Association), February 2021, Art Foundations: Core Values and Remote Learning”

“Not a Video Class: 4D Foundations”, SECAC (Southeastern College Art Conference), November 2020, Innovative Foundations

"Made by Qatar: Casting for Sustainability," Panel: Contemporary Art and Petrocultures of the Middle East, College Art Association, New York City, NY, February 2019

"Designer Conversations: Aformal Academy x ARK.Lab," Arkbank Sanat, Istanbul, Turkey, 4th Annual Istanbul Design Biennial, September 2018

Art and the City: From Local to Transnational, Panel Member, Art 29, W Hotel, Doha Qatar, January 2018



Paper Puppet Performance, University Wisconsin La Crosse, Printmaking and Sculpture, Nov. 2021

Zine Workshop, American University of Kuwait, Graphic Design, April 2019

Made by Qatar, in collaboration with Aformal Academy and Transitional School, Doha Fire Station Artist-in-Residency, Qatar Museums, August 2018